We all believe in maintaining academic integrity so as to preserve the spirit of higher education and to also ensure all students are working fairly. However, research shows that imbuing students with sense of academic integrity can lead to improved workplace behavior in the future (https://www.turnitin.com/blog/why-academic-integrity-is-important-to-teaching-and-learning).
While there are several practices that can help students learn the importance of academic integrity, TILT has several tools to help improve academic integrity and help guide your students toward more ethical decisions.
TILT offers two types of proctoring software. These tools can be used both online and on campus to ensure students are not accessing assistive materials during an exam.
Honorlock is proctoring software that runs on Google’s Chrome Extension. Honorlock allows for manual proctoring, in which an Honorlock representative oversees the students’ exam.
For more information on Honorlock, please visit the following page:
Honorlock and BB Original: https://honorlock.kb.help/using-honorlock-with-blackboard/
Honorlock and BB Ultra: https://honorlock.kb.help/how-to-use-honorlock-with-blackboard-ultra/
Respondus Lockdown Browser
Respondus Lockdown Browser is a tool that students use to access Blackboard. Respondus prevents students from accessing any sites outside of Blackboard, but can be set by the instructor to allow additional resources. Additionally, Respondus can allow students to turn in their notes to display their work.
For more information on Respondus Lockdown Browser, please visit the following page:
Assignment Review
SafeAssign is a tool in Blackboard that compares your students’ submissions with others from around the world. SafeAssign can be added to any assignment with the click of a button. Once your students’ submit their papers, SafeAssign compares them with other student submissions to check for similarities and provides a report outlining matches between the student and other papers.
For more information on SafeAssign, please visit the following page:
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