Tenure Panel

Please plan to join us from 3-4:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20, for a FHSU Tenure Panel in the Stouffer Lounge, Memorial Union. The Offices of the Provost and Teaching Innovation and Learning Technology (TILT) are delighted to co-sponsor this activity again this year. Although the discussion will focus more on the 1st and 2nd year tenure track faculty process, anyone on the tenure track or interested in the tenure track process is more than welcome to attend and participate. The panel will consist of the following FHSU colleagues:

Janett Naylor-Tincknell, Professor, Department of Psychology
Gavin Buffington, Chair, Department of Physics
Stacey Smith, Chair, Department of Applied Business Studies
Jeff Briggs, Dean, College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Yaprak Dalat-Ward, Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Education Programs
Gene Rice, Professor, Department of Philosophy
Jill Arensdorf, Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Come prepared to ask questions, hear from colleagues involved in different levels of the tenure process, and have a robust conversation about the FHSU tenure process. Please contact Jill Arensdorf, Provost, or Latisha Haag, Faculty Development Training Specialist with any questions. Thank you!

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