Transitioning from Yellowdig Classic to Engage

Warning: If you only added Yellowdig Classic link as a Tool Link to the course navigation panel and you did not insert Yellowdig link anywhere in the learning modules/content area, then you can just complete Step 1 and then remove the Yellowdig Classic link from your courses.

Note: If you already have a Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel, then you can skip this step and proceed with Step 2.

Step 1: Click the “+” icon at the course navigation panel to add a new Content Area. Then name the Content Area as “Yellowdig” or any name that makes sense to you.

Step 2: In the Yellowdig Content Area, mouse over to Build Content and then select Yellowdig Engage to add a Yellowdig Engage Community to the class. You can opt to Enable Evaluation if you plan to include a grading column in Blackboard Grade Center and use the Grade Passback function in Yellowdig.

Step 3A: You might use Course Link to the Yellowdig Classic platform in all learning modules. If this is the case, then replace all the Course Links with the Yellowdig Engage Content Area at the course navigation panel.

Warning: How do I tell if it is a Course Link?

You can distinguish a Course Link from a pure link by looking at the top left corner. The Course Link will have a small chain icon at the top left corner.


  1. This is a Yellowdig Classic link
  2. This is a Course Link to the Yellowdig Classic link

Check the Location of Course Links to make sure that they are linked to the Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel. You can do that by editing each Yellowdig course link in the learning module and then click Browse to select the Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel. Then you can submit the change that you made to the course link.

Step 3B: You might have a combination of Yellowdig Classic links and course links in the learning modules. If this is the case, then you need to

1. Change the Yellowdig links in the learning modules to Course Links.

a. First, you need to copy the discussion instructions/prompt of the existing Yellowdig Classic link in the learning module.

b. Then you can mouse over to Build Content and select Course Link. Name the Course Link the same as the existing Yellowdig discussion in that learning module.

c. Then click Browse to locate the Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel.

d. Finally, you can paste the discussion instructions/prompt in the text box.

2. Update the Locations of Course Links to Yellowdig Classic.

Check the Location of Course Links to make sure that they are linked to the Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel. You can do that by editing each Yellowdig course link in the learning module and then click Browse to select the Yellowdig Content Area at the course navigation panel. Then you can submit the change that you made to the course link.

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