March 29, 2025

Course Design Overview

Our instructional design team coordinates and oversees the design and development of online and blended/hybrid courses, in partnership with faculty as course developers. A systematic process is followed in order to design and develop high-quality, engaging learning experiences based on instructional design principles and research related to best practices in teaching. 

The specific course development process is shown in the diagram below. There are five milestones in this Phase, including Course Blueprint, Syllabus, Master Shell Development on Blackboard, OSCQR Review, and Course Presentation.

The Process of Course Design


The ADDIE model is a wonderful guide to get us started in making the development practice as smooth and seamless as possible.

Inclusive Teaching

Create equitable courses by using diverse materials and teaching strategies to support every student's success.

Blooms Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy categorizes learning objectives and aids in designing effective teaching strategies for critical thinking and deeper understanding.

FHSU Online Course Development

Review the FHSU Online Course Development resources to gain insight into the course development and application processes.

FHSU TILT Talk--Instructional Design Special Series

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A series of blog posts in this area will focus on high-impact practices of online and blended course design to increase student’s engagement in learning by discussing instructional design frames, instructional design strategies, assessments, content delivery, and more. 

Course Design Institute

TILT's one-day Course Design Institute (CDI) is a series of four short workshops designed to offer faculty who are interested in designing new courses, or redesigning existing ones, concepts, principles and strategies necessary for building courses that are cohesive, effective and engaging. At the end of CDI, faculty will be able to:

        1.   Explain important course design principles

        2.   Conduct a learner analysis

        3.   Write measurable learning objectives

        4.   Create engaging learning activities and assessments

        5.   Adopt and implement Regular Substantive Interaction and the OSCQR Rubric into course design

Those who complete CDI receive access to materials for building a course syllabus.

Support and Resources


Enhance course design using Coursetune - a visual tool that identifies gaps and aligns content with objectives. Visit Coursetune's site and contact TigerLearn for access.

Syllabus Guidelines

The syllabus guidelines provide instructions and examples for each primary section required in the university template.

Annotated Syllabus

An annotated syllabus helps faculty create quality course syllabi by offering guidance on OSCQR and RSI and recommended information for meeting standards.

Blueprint Template

A course development blueprint helps faculty to create an effective course by promoting the development of clear alignment between course outcomes, learning objectives, assessments, activities, and resources