March 30, 2025

Our Mission

The Instructional Technology team curates and maintains the FHSU teaching and learning ecosystem. This includes our learning management system (LMS) Blackboard and all of the edtech tools available to our staff, faculty, and students.

Upcoming Events

Blackboard Support


Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm Friday 8:00am -4:30pm

Phone: 785-628-5275



Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies is gearing up FHSU’s big transition to Blackboard Ultra.

To smooth the process and guide faculty, we are hosting a variety of workshops, drop-in sessions, and courses to help.

We will be providing faculty with several resources to help during the conversion process.


Here at TILT, we support many educational technologies that you can use within your courses, both on-campus and online. With the digital world changing constantly, we are always searching for new and innovative platforms to enhance the learning experience.

Below is a list of some of the platforms we support. To learn more about each platform and watch video tutorials, click on the images provided. 

Instructional Technology Team

Magdalene Moy

Instructional Technologist

Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Learning Technologies

M.S. Microbiology and Immunology

Nathan Riedel

Instructional Technologist

Ph.D. Information Sciences and Learning Technologies
MLS e-Learning Professional

May Yu-Harper

May Yu-Harper

Academic Program Specialist

MBA Digital Marketing