The Fort Hays Summer of Ultra is underway!
We are half way through our first session, so it’s time for an update.
We have looked at Course Copying, Adding Content, and setting up Assignments and Assessments. (All of the bold words here are links).
Most of the content from the course can be found at on this page (the missing content is introductory material):
Additionally, we had a question in the optional Zoom session we’d like to share. We were asked about an issue a faculty member experienced in which they could not attach a rubric to an assignment.
In the tutorials for setting up assignments, you can see that Assignments and Assessments act similar. This is because you can turn an Assignment into a quiz or test just by adding questions (i.e., multiple choice, short answer, etc.) to the Assignment. It will still show as an assignment in your grade book.
Once you add questions, you cannot add Rubrics to assignments.
We will submit a feature request for this to Blackboard, but in the meantime, rubrics cannot be attached to items that have questions (i.e., Assignments with questions, quizzes, tests, etc.).
We hope that these supplementary posts throughout the summer will help those unable to join the courses keep pace with learning Ultra.
Finally, we look forward to hosting many more sessions over the next year as we prepare for the final Ultra push for Fall 2023.
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